Treatment Options Concerning Physical Therapy

The techniques used in physical therapy are multiple and varied, although a classification can be made according to the tools and means used. There are physical therapy options for everyone, but only specific methods should be used in particular cases. The hands of a physical therapist can work magic; below are some possibilities the therapist may suggest.

Massage therapy

Massage therapy includes different techniques or massage modalities, such as therapeutic massage, sports massage, conjunctive tissue massage or cryo-massage (cold application) and technologies such as therapeutic manual lymphatic drainage or manual neuromuscular techniques. The option used is determined by the therapist and is specific to each person and their issue. People who head to therapy regularly see fewer problems in the future.


This is a healing method based on the active or passive movements of the body. Kinesiotherapy involves the application of an external force that moves without the body making voluntary muscular contractions. It is indicated in processes where joint mobility is compromised.

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Manual orthopedic physical therapy

Manual physical therapy focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries (hip, shoulder or knee injuries and neck and back pain). Manual methods of re-education can also help. This method consists of performing stretching exercises, which improve joint mobility and eliminates the discomfort derived from muscle contractions and blockages, spinal deformities (scoliosis) or traumatisms.

Analytical stretches and neurological therapy

Therapeutic maneuvers aim to stretch shortened soft tissue structures to increase movement. This practice is indicated in muscular contractures, burns and retractable scars or prolonged immobilization. Neurological physiotherapy is based on treating the nervous system and educating or re-educating the person’s posture, synergies, and pathological neuromotor patterns. It is indicated in brain injuries (Parkinson’s), peripheral lesions (paralysis of peripheral nerves), spinal cord injuries (spina bifida, multiple sclerosis, ALS) or neurological infantile syndromes.

Obstetric therapy

OB therapy is a series of hypo-pressive myasthenic gymnastic exercises aimed at strengthening the pelvic floor. Its name comes from the fact that the exercises are performed in hypo-pressure, that is, by canceling the pressure exerted by the diaphragm and the abdominal muscles on the pelvic floor muscles.

Respiratory therapy

Respiratory therapy consists of carrying out a series of procedures designed to unblock the airways. It also focuses on respiratory re-education and re-adaptation, with the aim of improving respiratory muscle functioning, as well as increasing resistance. Respiratory physical therapy is recommended in cases of neuromuscular diseases such as dystrophies, multiple sclerosis or ALS, and also after surgical interventions. To get more information about therapeutic options available, visit or contact a specialist.